Player Name
Ed Abbaticchio
Bill Abstein
Babe Adams
Rafael Almeida
Jim Bagby
William Barbeau
Johnny Bates
Rube Benton
Bob Bescher
Earl Blackburn
Chick Brandom
Bobby Byrne
Harry Camnitz
Howie Camnitz
Vin Campbell
Max Carey
Fred Clarke
Tommy Clarke
Bill Cramer
Dixie Davis
Bill Doak
Ed Donalds
Skip Dowd
Blaine Durbin
Dick Egan
Jimmy Esmond
Jack Ferry
Sam Fletcher
John Flynn
John Frill
Sam Frock
Art Fromme
Harry Gaspar
George Gibson
Eddie Grant
Frank Gregory
Frank Harter
Dick Hoblitzell
Hanson Horsey
Bert Humphries
Ham Hyatt
Jack Kading
Bobby Keefe
Pete Knisely
Andy Kyle
Tommy Leach
Sam Leever
Lefty Leifield
Nick Maddox
Armando Marsans
Alex McCarthy
Tex McDonald
Howard McGraner
Bill McKechnie
Larry McLean
Jack Mercer
Dots Miller
Ward Miller
Mike Mitchell
Paddy O'Connor
Gene Packard
Art Phelan
Deacon Phillippe
Bill Powell
Bill Prough
Hank Severeid
Bud Sharpe
Mike Simon
Frank Smith
Elmer Steele
Alan Storke
George Suggs
Ben Taylor
Chuck Tompkins
Jimmy Wacker
Honus Wagner
Cleon Webb
Kirby White
Vic Willis
Owen Wilson
Ralph Works

Teammates of Gene Moore

Manager Name

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