Player Vitals for Bob Lemon

BirthDateBirthplaceHeightWeightBMIBatsThrowsDebutFinal GameSchoolDeathDateDeathplace
WedSep 221920San Bernardino, CA6'0''18024.41LeftRightSep 91941Jul 11958 TueJan 112000Long Beach, CA

Awards Bob Lemon

YearLeagueAwardAwarded for
1948ALBaseball Magazine All-StarP1
1948MLBaseball Magazine All-StarP1
1948MLTSN All-StarP
1948ALTSN Pitcher of the Year
1950ALBaseball Magazine All-StarP2
1950MLTSN All-StarP
1950ALTSN Pitcher of the Year
1954MLTSN All-StarP
1954ALTSN Pitcher of the Year

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