30 MLB Players deceased in Rochester, NY

#PlayerDate of Death
1.Joe Altobelli3/3/2021
2.Johnny Antonelli2/28/2020
3.Will Calihan12/20/1917
4.Tom Carey2/21/1970
5.Chet Carmichael8/22/1960
6.Paul Cook5/25/1905
7.Clint Courtney6/16/1975
8.Ed Crane9/20/1896
9.Red Dooin5/14/1952
10.Mose Eggert4/9/1971
11.Tex Erwin4/5/1953
12.Glenn Gardner7/7/1964
13.Ray Gordinier11/15/1960
14.Lew Groh10/20/1960
15.Bob Keegan6/20/2001
16.Gene Kimball8/2/1882
17.Mike Kircher6/26/1972
18.Wickey McAvoy7/6/1973
19.John McKelvey5/31/1944
20.George Mogridge3/4/1962
21.Sam Moran8/27/1897
22.Pat Murray11/5/1983
23.Casey Patten5/31/1935
24.Lou Raymond5/2/1979
25.Dick Ricketts3/6/1988
26.Buddy Rosar3/13/1994
27.Joe Sargent7/5/1950
28.Harry Weaver5/30/1983
29.Kaiser Wilhelm5/22/1936
30.Charlie Wilson12/19/1970

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