44 MLB Players deceased in Dallas, TX

#PlayerDate of Death
1.Jay Avrea6/26/1987
2.Heinz Becker11/11/1991
3.Red Borom1/7/2011
4.Virgil Cheeves5/5/1979
5.Glen Clark1/25/2018
6.Tom Clyde10/1/2005
7.Duff Cooley8/9/1937
8.Oscar Dugey1/1/1966
9.Uel Eubanks11/21/1954
10.Bubba Floyd12/15/2000
11.Boob Fowler10/8/1988
12.Oscar Fuhr3/29/1975
13.Walt Goldsby1/11/1914
14.Turkey Gross1/11/1936
15.Jim Haislip1/26/1970
16.Mickey Heath7/30/1986
17.Ernie Herbert1/13/1968
18.Pinky Higgins3/21/1969
19.Marty Hopkins11/20/1963
20.Dave Howard1/26/1956
21.Percy Jones3/18/1979
22.Jim Levey3/14/1970
23.Jack Little7/27/1961
24.Tom Lovelace7/12/1979
25.Mickey Mantle8/13/1995
26.Otto McIvor5/4/1954
27.Reeve McKay1/18/1946
28.Frank Millard7/4/1892
29.Hack Miller11/21/1966
30.Gene Moore8/30/1938
31.Ray Morehart1/13/1989
32.Walter Morris8/2/1961
33.Buddy Napier3/29/1968
34.Charlie Neal11/18/1996
35.John Pezzullo5/16/1990
36.Jim Pisoni2/4/2007
37.Ron Samford1/14/2021
38.Pete Sims12/2/1968
39.Jackie Sullivan10/15/1992
40.Leo Tankersley9/18/1980
41.Ed Taylor1/31/1912
42.Herm Wehmeier5/21/1973
43.Bob Wilson4/23/1985
44.Archie Wise2/2/1978

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